using fire extinguisher

Fire Safety

AmbaGuard specialises in supplying, mounting and servicing FlameStop fire extinguishers, hose reels and fire blankets. For any equipment to perform efficiently, it must be serviced at regular intervals. We can assist in identifying potential hazards to prevent workplace fires, and keep you compliant with current standards and regulations. Did you know that fire extinguishers, fire blankets and hose reels require servicing every 6 months as per Australian standard 1851-2012 and must also comply with AS 2444-2001. If you’re unsure whether your equipment is in good working condition or compliant with the current standards of AS 1851-2012 and AS 2444-2001 contact us.

test and tag

Test & Tag

Electrical equipment is a part of most workplaces. Therefore, it is essential that all electronics in your workplace are regularly tested and tagged by qualified professionals. The benefits of carrying out such works, is to protect your staff, reduce workplace dangers, and maintain the quality of your equipment. Any item that is to be plugged in to or connected to a wall socket or generator qualifies to be tested. This can include but not limited to electric drills, monitors, PC’s and larger items like photocopiers and refrigerators. AmbaGuard thoroughly inspects all electrical goods and will only pass an item and provide a tag after we have comprehensively completed our testing to ensure it is safe to use.

RCD testing

RCD Testing

RCDs (residual current devices) are critical for workplace electrical safety. A functioning and tested RCD will break the circuit as soon as it detects any kind of disruption in the flow of current, thereby, protecting both the electric appliance and the worker handling it. The greatest advantage of a working RCD is employee and appliance safety, but also compliance with industry regulations, early detection of faults, future cost saving, and preventing fires. The technicians at AmbaGuard perform a comprehensive assessment of the RCD to detect any faults that might have developed in it, and can compare previous results which may indicate that it’s failing. Do yourself a favour and avoid the possibility of​​ extremely harmful or fatal electric shocks in your workplace. Contact us today.

emergency exit lighting

Exit & Emergency Lighting

In the event of a serious incident within your commercial premises, your staff and customers will need to safely exit a potentially dangerous environment. Exit and emergency lights can help to safely evacuate employees and assist fire services searching the building.

Depending on when your premises was built or when building work occurred on the premises will determine your obligations under the regulations. Therefore, most commercial buildings that are occupied by employees, customers or the general public will require emergency lighting, and the common areas of multi-residential buildings. AmbaGuard’s technicians are able to test and assist with replacement and repair lighting. We offer a comprehensive emergency lighting service for many locations including clubs, schools, offices, commercial buildings and more.

business first aid kit

First Aid Services

A safe workplace must consist of first aid equipment. No matter how safe you think you are, accidents can always happen. AmbaGuard can assist with which first aid kit is suitable for your workplace according to local or state requirements, your industry related hazards, location, and number of employees. First aid kits are to be kept or installed in a convenient and accessible area, clearly identifiable and protected from dust, moisture and contamination. AmbaGuard offer regular inspections of your first aid kits and restocking of when needed, removing any hassle from your business and giving your staff peace of mind that if a minor accident was ever to occur, that they’ll be taken care of.

evacuation diagram

Evacuation Diagrams

If you are the owner, manager or operator of a facility that may have occupants (staff) or visitors, you are required to have an emergency evacuation plan and procedures in place. AmbaGuard will work with you and design an efficient evacuation plan that fits your business ensuring it complies with all relevant Australian Standards AS3745-2010. Maximising safety, and developing a safe work environment is our speciality, and giving visitors a clear indication of exit locations will ensure everyone is protected in the case of an emergency. Is your emergency evacuation plan up to date?